TANDEM® reaches 1,000 (and still counting)!
We are extremely happy about the warm welcome that has been given to TANDEM® fan, one of the most efficient, and technically advanced axial fan ever: only in 2015, more than 1,000 TANDEM® fans have been installed in new operating plants all over the world.
Thanks to its extraordinary characteristics, the TANDEM® fan is also finding place in not less than 200 revamping projects, ensuring the end user a significant and continuous energy savings
The new Cameron installations in the US and the PTT facilities in Thailand are among the most important projects that have choose our innovative product.
CAMERON LNG PJT (Louisiana US) is one of the worlds largest liquefaction of gas and now bases its new refrigeration system on COFIMCO-TANDEM® high efficiency fans.
The PTT - Petroleum Authority of Thailand - is highly active in petroleum, natural gas, petrochemicals, electricity production, engineering and construction. An air cooler operating in their plant was equipped by 96 aluminum blade fans supplied by one of our American competitors.
In recent times, those fans have been replaced with the new COFIMCO-TANDEM®; high efficiency model; the operation led to an improvement of 15% of the electrical power input conditions, greatly enhancing the heat exchange efficiency of the air cooler, achieving a considerable advantage in economic terms.
We are more than certain that soon we will be able to tell you more examples of how the new COFIMCO-TANDEM® improves the efficiency of both new and old plants worldwide.
Stay tuned.
Patent and trademark recongnition to Cofimco TANDEM® fan model
Cofimco is proud to announce the recognition of the patent and trademark for new high efficiency TANDEM® Cofimco fan model.
Cofimco TANDEM®:
Save Energy,
Save Money!
Would you like to know more?

The Annual ACC Users Group Conference
During the 7th Annual ACC Users Group Conference September 21-24, 2015, Cofimco technical director Mr. Nicola Romano, gave the presentation “WIND LOADS ON FAN BLADES & BLADE DYNAMICS”
Here below a short abstract on relative conclusions:
- Wind can dramatically increase the dynamic load acting on the blades.
- The dynamic load gets transmitted to the bridge increasing the vibration level, up to nearly 3 times the nominal value in the conditions simulated in this report (120 rpm,WS=25 m/s)
- For the above reasons, the loads and stress on the drive chain components can reach up to three times the nominal level (in the conditions simulated in this report)
- The flow rate can be largely reduced by the wind (up to nearly 50% the nominal value in the conditions simulated in this report , 120 rpm,WS=25 m/s)
- Great advantages in terms of vibration mitigation and drive chain stress reduction can be achieved using the 35F blade equipped with embedded friction-based damper.
FRP-Carbon pultruded shaft presentation
During the 2015 Cooling Technology Institute Annual Conference New Orleans, Louisiana - February 9-12, 2015 Cofimco Engineering Manager Mr. Carlo Gallina was proud to present our “INNOVATIVE FRP-CARBON PULTRUDED SHAFT FOR AXIAL FAN BLADES”.
Here below a short abstract:
Cofimco extensive research and laboratory tests pointed out in the development of an innovative shank to connect the blade airfoils to the hub of large axial fans used on Cooling Towers and Air Cooled Condensers: the new pultruded FRP shank reinforced with carbon rovings.
The innovative shank material gives to the blade a suitable elasticity, midway between flexible and rigid links, resulting in a noticeable reduction of the vibration level introduced by the fan in the supporting structure; simultaneously, high strength of carbon rovings and innovative "damped" shaft design let fan blades to withstand the most severe duty points and limit blade deformation.
13/11/2014 COFIMCO China receives GEA HX delegation
Our Chang Shu factory received a delegation composed by CEO of various worldwide AFC BU companies of GEA HX. France, China, Germany, Russia, Brazil and other countries reunited.
After a presentation of COFIMCO company, there was a visit in the workshop showing production of our axial fans.
A step forward to a better and deeper cooperation between COFIMCO and GEA.
Hudson Products Corporations with its brand Cofimco and TufLite would like to invite you to stop by booth no. 2775 at Power-Gen 2014 on December 9th-11th in Orlando–FL.
Cofimco China celebrate the ISO9001 certification
Along with Italy and India, Cofimco China finally achieved the ISO9001 certification. After a successful audit from TUV back in April, Cofimco China received the official ISO 9001-2008 Quality Management System Certification for the Production and Delivery of Industrial Fans and Accessories.
This is an important achievement for the company, a big step in our continued quality improvement, and aligns Cofimco China standards with our other manufacturing locations.
A supply of 600 axial fans for Yamal Lng project in Russia
When it is necessary to achieve peak performance in even the most prohibitive weather conditions, Cofimco products are able to offer guaranteed efficiency, reliability, and safety. That's the reason why GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques (GEA BTT) did not hesitate to turn to us for the supply of 600 fans for the Yamall LNG project in Russia. The fans supplied to BTT will be equipped with special materials in order to work at extremely low ambient temperatures (less than -50°C). This is not the first time Cofimco received the commission to design and supply low temperature fans, but it is certainly one of the largest projects of its kind.
Yamal LNG is a natural gas plant at Sabetta, North-east of the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. Often referred as the Yamal Megaproject, it is part of a long-term plan to extract and bring to the markets the 418 billion cubic meters of gas reserves in the Yamal Peninsula.
The Yamal LNG project is one of the largest industrial undertakings in the Arctic and it will involve the drilling of more than 200 wells, the construction of 3 LNG trains – each one with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year -, a vast gas terminal, and the commissioning (the first in the world) of 16 icebreaker tankers, each one with transport capacity of 170,000 m³. It is a major new maritime route for transporting natural gas to Europe and Asia.
Technip France is building a LNG facility for Yamal in three stages. Each stage will add 5.5 million tons of annual LNG production capacity, resulting in final capacity of 16.5 million tons.
GEA BTT landed a record order with a value of over 40 million Euros from the plant contracting companies Technip and JGC. GEA BTT will design the heat exchangers, manufacture them over a period of three years, and deliver them to the customer.
Cofimco is proud to be a part of this project. We are confident that the high quality of our products will make a major contribution to its success.
COFIMCO bags order for “Tempa Rossa” project with TOTAL
Cofimco has received order to supply Ultra Low noise “CX” series fans to be installed in the Oil&Gas treatment facility located in Corleto di Perticara (Italy).
Tecnimont has been awarded as EPC for this project and we are proud to have been chosen for the supply of the fans for the AFC units belonging to this prestigious project.
Cofimco “CX” series fan represents the best in the new generation of super low noise fans. Compared to other fans, the “CX” series fan allows up to 20 dB(A) noise reduction, while maintaining the same efficiency.